Tax Help for New Parents: Maximizing Your Refund


Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience filled with joy, love, and, let's face it, a fair share of financial responsibilities. Thankfully, the tax code recognizes the unique challenges of raising children, offering numerous tax breaks and benefits for new parents. These breaks can not only result in a lower tax bill but also a higher refund. Here are some key things that new parents should know in order to navigate their tax situation more efficiently.

Getting Started: Important Steps Before Filing

1. Obtain a Social Security or Individual Tax Identification Number for Your Child. To claim the various parental tax breaks available, it's crucial to have your child's Social Security number, Adoption Tax Identification Number, or Individual Tax Identification Number. This information is essential for the IRS to verify your eligibility for the credits and deductions you claim on your tax return.

2. Check Your Withholding. The addition of a new family member can significantly impact your tax liability, making you eligible for new credits and deductions. Use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator to ensure your withholding aligns with your current situation. If necessary, update your Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Certificate, to adjust the amount of tax withheld from your paycheck.

Potential Tax Credits and Deductions

1. Child Tax Credit. Taxpayers who claim at least one child as a dependent on their tax return may qualify for the Child Tax Credit. This credit can provide substantial relief, so it's important to determine if your child meets the requirements. The "Does My Child/Dependent Qualify for the Child Tax Credit" tool on the IRS website can help with this.

2. Child and Dependent Care Credit. If you paid for someone to care for your child or another household member while you work, you may be eligible for the Child and Dependent Care Credit. This credit is not income-based, making it accessible to many families. You can potentially claim up to 35% of your daycare expenses, within certain limits.

3. Adoption Tax Credit.  Families going through the adoption process during the tax year can benefit from the Adoption Tax Credit. This credit allows you to claim eligible adoption expenses for each qualifying child, whether the adoption is international, domestic, private, or public foster care.

4. Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).  The EITC is designed to assist low- to moderate-income families by reducing the taxes owed and potentially increasing their tax refund. For the tax year 2023, individuals earning $63,398 or less may be eligible. Families with three or more children could receive as much as $7,430, while those without qualifying children may still receive up to $600.

5. Credit for Other Dependents.  If you have dependents who don't qualify for the Child Tax Credit, you might be able to claim the Credit for Other Dependents. This additional credit can be claimed alongside the Child and Dependent Care Credit and the EITC. Use the IRS tool mentioned earlier to determine eligibility.

Navigating the tax landscape as a new parent can be complex, but understanding and utilizing the available tax breaks can make a significant difference. By obtaining the necessary identification for your child, checking your withholding, and exploring credits and deductions such as the Child Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, Adoption Tax Credit, EITC, and Credit for Other Dependents, you can maximize your tax refund and lighten some of the financial responsibilities associated with raising a family. Take advantage of these valuable tax benefits designed to support you during this exciting chapter of your life.


DJL Accounting & Consulting Group, Inc.
1570 South Canfield-Niles Road #C102
Youngstown, Ohio 44515 

Phone:  330 779 0781



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